
Root canal treatment

Root canal treatment, also known as endodontic therapy, is a procedure in dentistry that is performed to treat an infected or inflamed tooth nerve (pulp) and preserve the tooth. This treatment is usually performed when deep decay has reached the tooth nerve, tooth damage has occurred due to trauma or a recurring infection occurs after previous dental treatment.

The process of root canal treatment can be roughly divided into several steps:

  1. Diagnosis and preparation: first, the condition of the affected tooth is examined and, if necessary, x-rays are taken to assess the shape and structure of the root canal system and the inflammation. Based on this diagnosis, a decision is made as to whether root canal treatment is necessary.
  2. Local anaesthetic: Before the actual treatment begins, the affected area of the tooth and the surrounding tissue is numbed with a local anaesthetic to eliminate or at least minimize pain during the procedure.
  3. Access to the root canal: The affected tooth is opened as minimally invasively as possible to gain access to the root canal system. This is done after any caries or existing leaking fillings or restoeation(Prothese) have been removed.
  4. Removal of the infected or inflamed pulp: The infected or inflamed pulp is removed from the root canal using special fine instruments. The root canal is then thoroughly cleaned and disinfected to remove all bacteria and infected tissue.
  5. Filling the root canal: After cleaning and disinfection, the root canal is filled with a filling material, such as gutta-percha, to seal and stabilize it. This prevents the re-entry of bacteria and allows the surrounding tissue to heal.
  6. Restoration of the tooth: Once the root canal treatment is complete, the tooth is restored with a filling, a partial crown or a crown, depending on the extent of the loss of substance, in order to restore and guarantee its shape, function, stability and aesthetics.


Mechanical root canal treatment is an advanced method of treating tooth root infections. Special rotating instruments are used to remove the infected tissue from the root canal as safely as possible and clean it thoroughly. This process enables precise and efficient treatment, which is often faster than conventional manual procedures. The mechanical technique also provides better control over the cleaning and shaping of the canal, especially when they have more severe curvatures, which can lead to a higher success rate and less discomfort for the patient.

Root canal treatment is an effective method of preserving an infected or inflamed tooth and relieving pain. However, it is important to note that the success of the treatment depends on several factors, including careful cleaning and disinfection of the root canal as well as the quality of the restoration of the tooth. Regular dental check-ups and good oral hygiene are also crucial to maintaining the long-term health of the treated tooth.

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